Saving and restoring the benchmark data in SQL database.
An implementation of the |
Module Contents
- class dict, global_config: dict | None = None, service: | None = None)[source]
An implementation of the
interface using SQLAlchemy backend.Create a new storage object.
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Free-format key/value pairs of configuration parameters.
global_config (dict | None)
service ( | None)
- experiment(*, experiment_id: str, trial_id: int, root_env_config: str, description: str, tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups, opt_targets: dict[str, Literal['min', 'max']]) [source]
Create a new experiment in the storage.
We need the opt_target parameter here to know what metric to retrieve when we load the data from previous trials. Later we will replace it with full metadata about the optimization direction, multiple objectives, etc.
- Parameters:
experiment_id (str) – Unique identifier of the experiment.
trial_id (int) – Starting number of the trial.
root_env_config (str) – A path to the root JSON configuration file of the benchmarking environment.
description (str) – Human-readable description of the experiment.
tunables (TunableGroups)
opt_targets (dict[str, Literal["min", "max"]]) – Names of metrics we’re optimizing for and the optimization direction {min, max}.
- Returns:
experiment – An object that allows to update the storage with the results of the experiment and related data.
- Return type:
- property experiments: dict[str,][source]
Retrieve the experiments’ data from the storage.
- Returns:
experiments – A dictionary of the experiments’ data, keyed by experiment id.
- Return type: