Base interface for saving and restoring the benchmark data.
See also
Retrieves a dictionary of the Experiments’ data.
Retrieves a pandas DataFrame of the Experiment’s trials’ results data.
Retrieves a dictionary of the Experiment’s trials’ data.
Retrieves a dictionary of the Experiment’s sampled configs data.
Retrieves a dictionary of the Experiment’s trials’ data, grouped by shared tunable config.
Base interface for accessing the stored benchmark trial data.
An abstract interface between the benchmarking framework and storage systems |
Module Contents
- class dict[str, Any], global_config: dict | None = None, service: | None = None)[source]
An abstract interface between the benchmarking framework and storage systems (e.g., SQLite or MLFLow).
Create a new storage object.
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Free-format key/value pairs of configuration parameters.
global_config (dict | None)
service ( | None)
- class Experiment(*, tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups, experiment_id: str, trial_id: int, root_env_config: str, description: str, opt_targets: dict[str, Literal['min', 'max']])[source]
Base interface for storing the results of the experiment.
This class is instantiated in the Storage.experiment() method.
- Parameters:
- __enter__() Storage [source]
Enter the context of the experiment.
Override the _setup method to add custom context initialization.
- Return type:
- __exit__(exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: types.TracebackType | None) Literal[False] [source]
End the context of the experiment.
Override the _teardown method to add custom context teardown logic.
- Parameters:
exc_type (type[BaseException] | None)
exc_val (BaseException | None)
exc_tb (types.TracebackType | None)
- Return type:
- abstract load(last_trial_id: int = -1) tuple[list[int], list[dict], list[dict[str, Any] | None], list[mlos_bench.environments.status.Status]] [source]
Load (tunable values, benchmark scores, status) to warm-up the optimizer.
If last_trial_id is present, load only the data from the (completed) trials that were scheduled after the given trial ID. Otherwise, return data from ALL merged-in experiments and attempt to impute the missing tunable values.
- abstract load_telemetry(trial_id: int) list[tuple[datetime.datetime, str, Any]] [source]
Retrieve the telemetry data for a given trial.
- Parameters:
trial_id (int) – Trial ID.
- Returns:
metrics – Telemetry data.
- Return type:
list[tuple[datetime.datetime, str, Any]]
- abstract load_tunable_config(config_id: int) dict[str, Any] [source]
Load tunable values for a given config ID.
- abstract merge(experiment_ids: list[str]) None [source]
Merge in the results of other (compatible) experiments trials. Used to help warm up the optimizer for this experiment.
- new_trial(tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups, ts_start: datetime.datetime | None = None, config: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Storage [source]
Create a new experiment run in the storage.
- Parameters:
tunables (TunableGroups) – Tunable parameters to use for the trial.
ts_start (datetime.datetime | None) – Timestamp of the trial start (can be in the future).
config (dict) – Key/value pairs of additional non-tunable parameters of the trial.
- Returns:
trial – An object that allows to update the storage with the results of the experiment trial run.
- Return type:
- abstract pending_trials(timestamp: datetime.datetime, *, running: bool)[Storage] [source]
Return an iterator over the pending trials that are scheduled to run on or before the specified timestamp.
- Parameters:
timestamp (datetime.datetime) – The time in UTC to check for scheduled trials.
running (bool) – If True, include the trials that are already running. Otherwise, return only the scheduled trials.
- Returns:
trials – An iterator over the scheduled (and maybe running) trials.
- Return type:
- property opt_targets: dict[str, Literal['min', 'max']][source]
Get the Experiment’s optimization targets and directions.
- property root_env_config: str[source]
Get the Experiment’s root Environment config file path.
- Return type:
- property tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups[source]
Get the Experiment’s tunables.
- Return type:
- class Trial(*, tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups, experiment_id: str, trial_id: int, tunable_config_id: int, trial_runner_id: int | None = None, opt_targets: dict[str, Literal['min', 'max']], config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, status: mlos_bench.environments.status.Status = Status.UNKNOWN)[source]
Base interface for storing the results of a single run of the experiment.
This class is instantiated in the Storage.Experiment.trial() method.
- add_new_config_data(new_config_data:[str, int | float | str]) None [source]
Add new config data to the trial.
- config(global_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None) dict[str, Any] [source]
Produce a copy of the global configuration updated with the parameters of the current trial.
Note: this is not the target Environment’s “config” (i.e., tunable params), but rather the internal “config” which consists of a combination of somewhat more static variables defined in the json config files.
- opt_targets() dict[str, Literal['min', 'max']] [source]
Get the Trial’s optimization targets and directions.
- abstract set_trial_runner(trial_runner_id: int) int [source]
Assign the trial to a specific TrialRunner.
- abstract update(status: mlos_bench.environments.status.Status, timestamp: datetime.datetime, metrics: dict[str, Any] | None = None) dict[str, Any] | None [source]
Update the storage with the results of the experiment.
- Parameters:
status (Status) – Status of the experiment run.
timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Timestamp of the status and metrics.
metrics (Optional[dict[str, Any]]) – One or several metrics of the experiment run. Must contain the (float) optimization target if the status is SUCCEEDED.
- Returns:
metrics – Same as metrics, but always in the dict format.
- Return type:
- abstract update_telemetry(status: mlos_bench.environments.status.Status, timestamp: datetime.datetime, metrics: list[tuple[datetime.datetime, str, Any]]) None [source]
Save the experiment’s telemetry data and intermediate status.
- Parameters:
status (Status) – Current status of the trial.
timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Timestamp of the status (but not the metrics).
metrics (list[tuple[datetime.datetime, str, Any]]) – Telemetry data.
- Return type:
- property status: mlos_bench.environments.status.Status[source]
Get the status of the current trial.
- Return type:
- property trial_runner_id: int | None[source]
ID of the TrialRunner this trial is assigned to.
- Return type:
int | None
- property tunable_config_id: int[source]
ID of the current trial (tunable) configuration.
- Return type:
- property tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups[source]
Tunable parameters of the current trial.
(e.g., application Environment’s “config”)
- Return type:
- abstract experiment(*, experiment_id: str, trial_id: int, root_env_config: str, description: str, tunables: mlos_bench.tunables.tunable_groups.TunableGroups, opt_targets: dict[str, Literal['min', 'max']]) Storage [source]
Create a new experiment in the storage.
We need the opt_target parameter here to know what metric to retrieve when we load the data from previous trials. Later we will replace it with full metadata about the optimization direction, multiple objectives, etc.
- Parameters:
experiment_id (str) – Unique identifier of the experiment.
trial_id (int) – Starting number of the trial.
root_env_config (str) – A path to the root JSON configuration file of the benchmarking environment.
description (str) – Human-readable description of the experiment.
tunables (TunableGroups)
opt_targets (dict[str, Literal["min", "max"]]) – Names of metrics we’re optimizing for and the optimization direction {min, max}.
- Returns:
experiment – An object that allows to update the storage with the results of the experiment and related data.
- Return type:
- abstract update_schema() None [source]
Update the schema of the storage backend if needed.
- Return type:
- property experiments: dict[str,][source]
- Abstractmethod:
- Return type:
Retrieve the experiments’ data from the storage.
- Returns:
experiments – A dictionary of the experiments’ data, keyed by experiment id.
- Return type: