mlos_bench CLI usage
Here is the current --help
output for the mlos_bench
CLI script
See the mlos_bench.config
module documentation for more information on
configuration files.
usage: mlos_bench [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--log_file LOG_FILE]
[--log_level LOG_LEVEL]
[--config_path CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]]
[--service SERVICE [SERVICE ...]]
[--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--optimizer OPTIMIZER]
[--trial_config_repeat_count TRIAL_CONFIG_REPEAT_COUNT]
[--num_trial_runners NUM_TRIAL_RUNNERS]
[--scheduler SCHEDULER] [--storage STORAGE] [--random_init]
[--random_seed RANDOM_SEED]
[--tunable_values TUNABLE_VALUES [TUNABLE_VALUES ...]]
[--globals GLOBALS [GLOBALS ...]] [--no_teardown]
[--experiment_id EXPERIMENT_ID]
mlos_bench : Systems autotuning and benchmarking tool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG Main JSON5 configuration file. Its keys are the same
as the command line options and can be overridden by
the latter. See the `mlos_bench/config/` tree at for additional
config examples for this and other arguments.
--log_file, --log-file LOG_FILE
Path to the log file. Use stdout if omitted.
--log_level, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
Logging level. Default is INFO. Set to DEBUG for
debug, WARNING for warnings only.
--config_path, --config-path, --config-paths, --config_paths CONFIG_PATH [CONFIG_PATH ...]
One or more locations of JSON config files.
--service, --services SERVICE [SERVICE ...]
Path to JSON file with the configuration of the
service(s) for environment(s) to use.
--environment ENVIRONMENT
Path to JSON file with the configuration of the
benchmarking environment(s).
--optimizer OPTIMIZER
Path to the optimizer configuration file. If omitted,
run a single trial with default (or specified in
--trial_config_repeat_count, --trial-config-repeat-count TRIAL_CONFIG_REPEAT_COUNT
Number of times to repeat each config. Default is 1
trial per config, though more may be advised.
--num_trial_runners, --num-trial-runners NUM_TRIAL_RUNNERS
Number of TrialRunners to use for executing benchmark
Environments. Individual TrialRunners can be
identified in configs with $trial_runner_id and
optionally run in parallel.
--scheduler SCHEDULER
Path to the scheduler configuration file. By default,
use a single worker synchronous scheduler.
--storage STORAGE Path to the storage configuration file. If omitted,
use the ephemeral in-memory SQL storage.
--random_init, --random-init
Initialize tunables with random values. (Before
applying --tunable_values).
--random_seed, --random-seed RANDOM_SEED
Seed to use with --random_init
--tunable_values, --tunable-values TUNABLE_VALUES [TUNABLE_VALUES ...]
Path to one or more JSON files that contain values of
the tunable parameters. This can be used for a single
trial (when no --optimizer is specified) or as default
values for the first run in optimization.
--globals GLOBALS [GLOBALS ...]
Path to one or more JSON files that contain additional
[private] parameters of the benchmarking environment.
--no_teardown, --no-teardown
Disable teardown of the environment after the
--experiment_id, --experiment-id EXPERIMENT_ID
Experiment ID to use for the benchmark. If omitted,
the value from the --cli config or --globals is used.
This is used to store and reload trial results from
the storage. NOTE: It is **important** to change this
value when incompatible changes are made to config
files, scripts, versions, etc. This is left as a
manual operation as detection of what is
"incompatible" is not easily automatable across
Makes sure that the storage schema is up to date for
the current version of mlos_bench.
Additional --key=value pairs can be specified to augment or override values
listed in --globals. Other required_args values can also be pulled from shell
environment variables. For additional details, please see the website or the files in the source tree: